hello this is my blog and here i write everithing i want like my holidays, o things that happens in this world. It has peculiar things and a very interesting's things.

Monday, October 10, 2005


Last week wednesday morning i went by bus to Concentaina with my school friends.The journey took two haurs, so i listend to miusic.
When we arrived it was hot and sunny.We put up the tents wihch was a little complicated and then i put my food into the fridge, the two classes went for a walk aronnd the countryside. At night had to prepared the dinner for our group i made a salad, hamburgers and chips. After dinner we all got together fora chat and for some fun.!
In the morning we walked for many kilometres and i didn't like ir!!
We didn't feel like playing games so we stayed in our tents and spoke to each other abaut all kinds of things.
On friday morning we packed everything and i prepared our lunch, befoure travelling back to Valencia by bus.

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