hello this is my blog and here i write everithing i want like my holidays, o things that happens in this world. It has peculiar things and a very interesting's things.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

--->WiLlIaM sHaKeSpEaRe<---

William Shakespeare was born at Stratford upon Avon on the
23 of April in this year1564, he died on April 23, 1616.
William Shakespeare English poet, dramatist, and actor;

considered by many to be the greatest dramatist of all time.
Shakespeare was the most popular dramatist of his age.
he had write the secons books:

- Romeo and Juliet
- Two gentlemen of verona
- Love's Labour's Lost

He did not go to University and his younger contemporary
and fellow-dramatist, Ben Johnson, would later speak disparagingly of his "small Latin, and less Greek" in the eulogy prefaced to the First Folio.However the Grammar School curriculum would have provided a formidable linguistic, and to some extent literary, education.


SaInT vAlEnTiNe'S

Saint valentine's day is on the 14th of February, its lover's day and traditionally everybody gives presents,
flowers or chocolates. cards are sent to the person you love.
nowadays it has be come very commercialised like christmas.

* If you count all the stars in the sky, all the grains of sand in the oceans, all the roses in the world and all the smiles that have ever been, then you will have a sample of how much I love you.


Podcasting consists of creating sound
archives of the sounds (generally in the format ogg or mp3)
and distributing of them by means of a file RSS so that it is allows
to subscribe and to use a program that unloads it so that the user
listens to he at the moment that he wishes,generally in a portable reproducer.
"Podcast" is a: Portable On Demand Broadcast.
Podcast is resembled a subscription of a blog spoken in which we received
the programs through Internet.
Also one advantage of the podcast is the possibility of listening in places without cover .
First it is necessary to unload the sound file.
From there, it is something personal. Special programs can be
used that read archives of indices,then they unload music automatically and they
transfer to a reproducer mp3. Also it is possible to be chosen to even listen
to the computer and, to copy it in audio CDs of the archives mp3 or ogg, depending of the original format.


Saturday, June 02, 2007

I think that the problem of E.E.U.U. is the sale
of weapons and the consequences can be for example this:
The last month, one estudent was killed 32 people
who was studients of her class, people say that they
dont know way the boy kill the 32 studients because
he was a normal person, but olso he was a solitary boy...
olso the problem of the boy can be that he plays games too much.
The games can be very bad for the childrens because in the games you can kill people and if you kill in the game you can kill autside in the real life, old this violence is consequence for the sell of weapons, games...etc


Sahara is a desert on the saharauis lives,
and they are leaving very, very bad,
because the Moroccans were invaded Sahara,
and they had to go to a camp in the middle of the desert,
they didn't have any food, and if they want water
they have to wok a lot, for the can get it. wene the winter comes,
with the rain the water takes all the "houses" away....IS TERRIBOL!!!
In the school we collect old the people one kg of rice,
oil and sugar for the sahara.
With our help's we can gladden many families and
effortlessly this is very important because you can save a life.