hello this is my blog and here i write everithing i want like my holidays, o things that happens in this world. It has peculiar things and a very interesting's things.

Sunday, November 20, 2005

--->catalonian statut!! <---
Ther is a document which says that the catalonian statut project has 17 point that can be considered as non-constitutional, according to the studies and reports board. This document concludes that the statut project is non-constitutional because it sets to create an entirely catalonian lega power. This would mean it is promoting a judicial governing regime for only one part of Spain, breaking its writy.
It also goes beyond the fromework for which the autonomons govermonts were
created in the first place.
In france ther is a terrible situation at present. third and second generation immigrants (who are french citizens!) are going crazy and are destroying eveerthing they can.
They want work because they heveritgot any money to eat and keep their familis. The majority of the rioters are very yonng. They want the french govermment to help them with welfare benefis even children of 10 years old are starting to hit their teachers. They olso feel discriminated against and are treated like 3rd class citizen.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Halloween is on the 31 of october.
In Brtain and America the children usually dress up in trange costumes to look like their favounte "monster", A vampire, a zombie, a mommy, a skeleton to be as fightening as possible! They whent it gets dark they knock on their neighbours door and say "Trick or Treat" They then sing , dance, tell a joke or recite a poem. In return they receive a small present , money, sweets or fruit. It is typical at this time tok be given a "totte apple".In Spain if you are given nathing the children may throw eggs at the house!! In Spain this tradition is not as populars in America and Britain there it is more normol to celebrate all saints day on the1 of November when everyone goes to the cementary to place flowers and decorate the grave. But this is more for adults than children.